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How to use a JTextPanel to get a string

I need to get an input from keyboard using a JtextPanel, saving it on a string when I press enter, then use that string to do some action based on line given in input ( example "help" or "quit"). I got this in my KeyListener for JTextPanel:

public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
     int key = e.getKeyCode();    

     if (key == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
        inputString = textField.getText();
        textArea.append(inputString + "\n");


, but I cant call this method directly. I would need something like

String input = processInput();
    else if ((input).equals("go"))

and processInput should be a method that waits for the (key== KeyEvent.VK_ENTER), like happens when you use the scanf in C or the bufferedReader in java, it waits for you giving a string from keyboard till you press enter. EDIT

My app manages commands like that

while(!finished) {

    finished = processInput() 

processInput manages the command given in input. That's why I cant call processInput() from the keyListener I hope i was clear, my english is so bad!



  • How about this approach, pretty simple.


    public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
         int key = e.getKeyCode();    
         if (key == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) {
            inputString = textField.getText();
            textArea.append(inputString + "\n");
            processInput(inputString); //crunch it

    And elsewhere

    public void processInput(String input) {
        else if ((input).equals("go"))