Why doesn't JSON.stringify() display prop2?
var newObj = {
prop1: true,
prop2: function(){
return "hello";
prop3: false
alert( JSON.stringify( newObj ) ); // prop2 appears to be missing
alert( newObj.prop2() ); // prop2 returns "hello"
for (var member in newObj) {
alert( member + "=" + newObj[member] ); // shows prop1, prop2, prop3
JSFIDDLE: http://jsfiddle.net/egret230/efGgT/
Because JSON cannot store functions. According to the spec, a value must be one of:
(source: json.org)
As a side note, this code will make the functions noticed by JSON.stringify
Function.prototype.toJSON = function() { return "Unstorable function" }