I have error handling code that is designed to catch unnhandled exceptions, and then create a dump.
Now, i've encountered a few situations where this doesn't work well in the transition between Native and managed code.
For example if in a Paint()
event I call some native code, and that native code throws an exception.
The message loop dispatcher will catch the native exception, and then rethrow a .NET SEHException
Same thing happens sometimes with DLLS that host COM objects.
The problem with this is that because of the stack-roll back and the way it catches and creates an SEHException
from the native exception, the actual Native call stack is destroyed.
Can i get the native call stack somehow, using the SEHException
? (note that the call stack in the SEHException is the CLR call stack).
Or can i set the application so it will save the call stack somehow ?
What happens is that .Net called Paint()
when it needed to paint a window.
Apparently .Net made this very safe and added extra precautions and error handling.
Now my Paint()
event called a C++/CLI wrapper dll that called a native C++ dll. The native C++ exception raised an Access Violation exception.
Now the .Net caught that exception, and wrapped it up as a managed SEHException
object, and I've lost all the call stack from the actual error point.
We need to catch the exception before the .Net exception handling.
The usual exception handling flow can be found on the net, but this sites gives a good example of the actual flow: Exception handlers
It seems that the .Net catches the exceptions and wraps them before the SetUnhandledExceptionFilter handler is called.
So, I've added a first chance exception handler with AddVectoredExceptionHandler
and checked for fatal exceptions by checking the errorcode.
//SEH exceptions have code 0xC0000xxxx
#define SEH_TYPE (DWORD)0xC0000000L
//mask the last byte
#define SEH_MASK (DWORD)0xFF000000L
LONG WINAPI CheckForSEHException( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *lpTopLevelExceptionFilter)
if ((lpTopLevelExceptionFilter->ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode & SEH_MASK) == SEH_TYPE) //mask and check the last bits if it's an SEH exception
//handle exception here (create a dump or something)
The exception codes can be found in WinBase.h, you can follow the definitions to the actual error codes. (ie. look for EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION