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store percent value in mysql using bigdecimal

How do I store percent value in MySQL using BigDecimal?

I used the following code to do so:

chngePer=new BigDecimal(st.nextToken().trim().replace("%", "")).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(100));

but it gives me numberFormatException.

I am using a CSV file and storing each of its values in stringTokenizer st. One of its values is like -0.45%. How do I store it in the database?

StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(nextLine, ",");
chngePer=new BigDecimal(st.nextToken().trim().replace("%", "")).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(100));

edit : contents of token

  • 654914
  • 5
  • +2.2999
  • "+0.19%"
  • "5/23/2012"


  • Perhaps you need to remove the quotes.