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Currency formatting

This should be an easy problem but...

I need to format a currency for display (string) in C#

The currency in question will have its own rules such as the symbol to use and if that symbol should come before the value (e.g. $ 10) or after (e.g. 10 ₫ which is Vietnamese Dong).

But how the numbers are formatted depends upon the users local, not the currency.


1.234,56 ₫ should be displayed to a user in Vietnam but 
1,234.56 ₫ should be displayed to a user in the US

(formatted as code so easy to see difference between , and.)

So code like

Double vietnamTotal = 1234.56;
return vietnamTotal.ToString("c");  

Won't work as it will use the users (or more accuratly CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) locale for format and currency so you would get things like $1,123.56 - right use of , and . but wrong symbol.

Double vietnamTotal = 1234.56;
CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo(1066); // Vietnam
return vietnameTotal.ToString("c",ci)); 

Would give 1.234,56 ₫ - Right symbol, wrong use of , and . for current user.

This post gives more detail on the right thing to do, but not how to do it.

What obvious method hidden in the framework am I missing?


    • Take the NumberFormatInfo from the user's currency, and clone it
    • Set the CurrencySymbol in the cloned format to the CurrencySymbol of the currency in question
    • If you want the currency position (and some other aspects of the format) to be copied, set CurrencyPositivePattern and CurrencyNegativePattern in the same way.
    • Use the result to format.

    For example:

    using System;
    using System.Globalization;
    class Test
        static void Main()
            decimal total = 1234.56m;
            CultureInfo vietnam = new CultureInfo(1066);
            CultureInfo usa = new CultureInfo("en-US");
            NumberFormatInfo nfi = usa.NumberFormat;
            nfi = (NumberFormatInfo) nfi.Clone();
            NumberFormatInfo vnfi = vietnam.NumberFormat;
            nfi.CurrencySymbol = vnfi.CurrencySymbol;
            nfi.CurrencyNegativePattern = vnfi.CurrencyNegativePattern;
            nfi.CurrencyPositivePattern = vnfi.CurrencyPositivePattern;
            Console.WriteLine(total.ToString("c", nfi));

    Admittedly my console doesn't manage to display the right symbol, but I'm sure that's just due to font issues :)