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why am I getting "Error 403: AuthorizationFailed" in this simple WebSphere example web.xml?

I'm using WebSphere 7. I have a simple example set up with web.xml as shown below.

This is how I test it:

  1. I start with no user and no group in WebSphere

  2. I try to access the page (/restricted/topsecret.html) I'm prompted to log in. I cannot.

  3. I add a user/password "rob/password" using the WebSphere admin console. I can now log in, but I cannot see the page. I get a "403: AuthorizationFailed" error.

  4. I add a group called "ROLE1" and I assign that group to user "rob" using the WebSphere admin console. I restart firefox, I can still log in but I still get the "403" error.

  5. I wrote a little JSP (below) to output the logged in username, but even after logging the username is still null.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?? Thanks!


    <web-resource-name>page test 1</web-resource-name>


<%@ page session="true" %>
Logged in username = '<%= request.getRemoteUser() %>' // is always null
Logged in username = '<%= request.getUserPrincipal() %>' // is always null


  • There are three levels of security

    1. Administration level
    2. Application Level
    3. Java 2 Level

    I am assuming you have turned on Application level (it sounds like you have it turned on but I would want to check)

    Is the usertest.jsp secured?

    Did you restart the application after mapping Roles to users?

    The code in the JSP (the first line doesn't look good syntactically. I am assuming a typo)