I have a JS function that creates a variable based on what the user is selecting from drop down list. I need to use that JS variable back on my CF code to be able to use it on operations other than submitting the form.
This is my JS Function
function handleProcedureChange(procedureid,recID)
procedureid= document.form1.procedure.value;
recID = document.form1.recID.value;
state = document.form1.state.value;
state = state.trim();
city = document.form1.city.value;
city = city.trim();
var url ="../../../../cf_modules/components/customDescriptions.cfc?method=procedureDescription&";
url=url+"ProcedureID="+procedureid+"&recID=" + recID + "&state=" + state + "&city="+city;
$.get(url, function(procedureResult) {
procedureResult = procedureResult.replace(/^"+|"+$/g, "");
and this is my Form
<select name="procedure" onChange="handleProcedureChange();">
<option value="">Select Procedure</option>
<cfloop query="procedures">
<option value="#procedureId#">#procedureName#</option>
<textarea name="procedureDescription" id="procedureDescription" cols="80" rows="6"></textarea><br />
I need to use the url2 variable on this link that controls a couple of server side functions
These are the links sequences
<cfoutput>[<a href="cityEdit.cfm?recID=#recID#&delete1=#recID#&state=#state#&city=#city.getCity()#&procedureid=#procedure#">delete</a>]</cfoutput>
<cfif delete1 neq "">
Are you sure?
<cfoutput> [ <a href="cityEdit.cfm?recID=#recID#&delete1=#delete1#&delete2=#delete1#&procedureid=#procedure#&state=#state#&city=#city.getCity()#">Yes</a> | <a href="cityEdit.cfm?recID=#recID#">No</a>]</cfoutput>
and these are the functions the above links control:
<cfparam name="delete1" default="">
<cfparam name="delete2" default="">
<cfif delete1 neq "">
<cfquery name="procFinder" datasource="#ds#">
select * from psp_customDescriptions where recID = '#delete1#'
and procedureID = '#procedure#' and city = '#city#' and state='#state#'
<cfif delete2 neq "">
<cfquery name="deletepractice" datasource="#ds#">
delete from psp_customDescriptions where recID = '#delete2#'
and procedureID = '#procedure#' and city = '#city#' and state='#state#'
<cflocation url="cityEdit.cfm?recID=#recID#" addtoken="no">
The only thing that I needed to after all was to add this single line of code into my JS function
$("#deleteProc1").html('<a href="cityEdit.cfm?recID='+recID+'&delete1='+recID+'&delete2='+recID+'&state='+state+'&city='+city+'&procedureid='+procedureid+"\">Delete</a>");
This link helps me to access my CF function and delete the procedures that I have selected from my drop down list.
Thanks to all that commented on my question