Search code examples checkbox and html data attribute

In, if you use a custom attribute, usually it is rendered as-is.

Considering this markup (note: attributes such as id, name and for were removed in all examples as their generated id/names are verbose):

<asp:TextBox runat="server" data-foo="bar" />

Is rendered in as:

<input type="text" data-foo="bar" />

That is, keeps data-foo untouched.

Check box are usually rendered like this:

<asp:CheckBox runat="server" Text="Normal" />

Renders as:

<input type="checkbox" />

But if you add a custom attribute on a checkbox:

<asp:CheckBox runat="server" Text="Custom attribute" data-foo="bar"  />

It renders as:

<span data-foo="bar">
    <input type="checkbox" />
    <label>Custom attribute</label>

As you can see, a span in rendered to hold the attribute. This also happens if you add the attribute in code behind. This does not happen with any other HtmlControl, AFAIK.

Does anyone know why this span is rendered to hold the attribute?

Is there anyway to render the attribute in the input tag?


  • I'm not sure why it's rendered with a span, but I suppose you can add the attribute directly to the input element of the CheckBox in code-behid like this:


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    An additional parent element is used, so that the attributes you apply to a CheckBox can affect both the input and the text. I suppose it's a span (and not a div), because it's an inline element, making it more convenient to use in different scenarios.

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