I'm using mouseenter and mouseleave events in jquery on an unordered list's <li>
to show some image when the mouse goes over them. Here's what that list typically looks like:
<ul class="myTree">
<li class="treeItem" catid="1" catname="Category 1">
<img src="img/fleche_hori.png" class="expandImage"/>
Category 1
<img src="img/cross.png" class="hidden removecategory"/>
<li class="treeItem" catid="2" catname="Subcategory 1 1">
<img src="img/spacer.gif" class="expandImage"/>
Subcategory 1 1
<img src="img/cross.png" class="hidden removecategory"/>
<li class="treeItem" catid="3" catname="Subcategory 1 2">
<img src="img/spacer.gif" class="expandImage"/>
Subcategory 1 2
<img src="img/cross.png" class="hidden removecategory"/>
<li class="treeItem" catid="4" catname="Category 2">
NOTE: I know it can be hard to read but I tried my best to make it as readable as possible.
So as you can see it's merely a tree used for an expand/collapse tree, each item being marked with class "treeItem". I need this class to stay and as it's a common class shared by all these items that need to show an image when mouse goes over them, I decided to bind my event handler to it.
The image that needs to be showed/hidden on mouseenter/mouseleave is the second of each item (the one with src="img/cross.png"). I managed to that quite easily with this script:
$(document).on("mouseenter", ".treeItem", function (e) {
$(document).on("mouseleave", ".treeItem", function (e) {
My problem though is that when an item is expanded (i.e. "Category 1" is expanded and "Subcategory 1 1" and "Subcategory 1 2" are now shown) and I hover any of the sub-categories with my mouse, these subcategories' images will be shown as asked but the parent category's (i.e. "Category 1") image won't hide as I'm still hovering it as well...
I tried using e.stopPropagation(); but it didn't do anything better..
Anyone knows a way to go around this and sort of trigger mouseleave on an element when I'm hovering some of its content ?
You can check http://api.jquery.com/mouseleave/#example-0 and especially the demo below the code block to see what I mean. Typically (on the right side of the demo) I would like that blue container's mouseleave event is triggered when mouse enters yellow container.
I hope my question is clear because it was hard to explain...
I found a way modifying my mouseenter event handler to this:
$(document).on("mouseenter", ".treeItem", function (e) {
$('.removecategory').each(function() {
but that isn't perfect as I need to leave the entire parent item (i.e. "Category 1" item) and re-enter it to have the image shown again after hovering subitems.
If anyone has a better way please share!
add span to each category and subcategory:
<ul class="myTree">
<li class="treeItem" catid="1" catname="Category 1">
<img src="img/fleche_hori.png" class="expandImage"/>
<span class="Item">Category 1</span>
<img src="http://www.pokerland-il.com/images/smilies/smile.png" class="hidden removecategory"/>
<li class="treeItem" catid="2" catname="Subcategory 1 1">
<img src="" class="expandImage"/>
<span class="Item">Subcategory 1 1</span>
<img src="http://www.pokerland-il.com/images/smilies/smile.png" class="hidden removecategory"/>
<li class="treeItem" catid="3" catname="Subcategory 1 2">
<img src="img/spacer.gif" class="expandImage"/>
<span class="Item">Subcategory 1 2</span>
<img src="http://www.pokerland-il.com/images/smilies/smile.png" class="hidden removecategory"/>
<li class="treeItem" catid="4" catname="Category 2">
change your JS to this: