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Is there any way to access the current label set in JavaScript/ActionScript

If I create a trivial labeled statement such as:

foo: do { alert('hi') } while (false)

Is there any way to clone foo?


  • No, apparently this is not possible. Labels cannot be used in an assignment statement and the scope of a label is the conditional block of the loop in which it is defined.

    for (i = 0; i < pastureLen; i++)
       var pasture = pastures[i];
       var cows = pasture.getCows();
       var j, numCows = cows.length;
       for (j = 0; j < numCows; j++)
          var cow = cows[j];
          if (cow.isSick())
             { break pastureLoop; }
    for (i = 0; i < pastureLen; i++)
       var pasture = pastures[i];
       var cows = pasture.getCows();
       var j, numCows = cows.length;
       for (j = 0; j < numCows; j++)
          var cow = cows[j];
          if (cow.isEating())
             { continue pastureLoop; }
       // No cows were eating, so fire the callback for pasture[i]
       pasture.executeCallback();    // or whatever

    The closest alternative is a labelled function declaration in non-strict mode:

    B.3.2 Labelled Function Declarations

    Prior to ECMAScript 2015, the specification of LabelledStatement did not allow for the association of a statement label with a FunctionDeclaration. However, a labelled FunctionDeclaration was an allowable extension for non-strict code and most browser-hosted ECMAScript implementations supported that extension. In ECMAScript 2015, the grammar productions for LabelledStatement permits use of FunctionDeclaration as a LabelledItem but 13.13.1 includes an Early Error rule that produces a Syntax Error if that occurs. For web browser compatibility, that rule is modified with the addition of the underlined text:

    LabelledItem : FunctionDeclaration

    It is a Syntax Error if any strict mode source code matches this rule.

    This can be used to create a declaration which is inaccessible:

    function show_alert()
        break label;
        var foo = 1;

    but can be made accessible through string manipulation and the function constructor.
