im following the railscasts using jquery tokeninput
in creating autocomplete tag tokens and have successfully done so. however, ive been trying to add a count attribute, very similar to stack overflows tags counter.
i have in my tags#index
@tags = Tag.order(:name)
#@tags = Tag.order(:name).where("name like ?", "%#{params[:term]}%")
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render json: @tags.tokens(params[:q]) }
when i render, it calls my tokens method which is...
def self.tokens(query)
tags = where("name like ?", "%#{query}%")
if tags.empty?
[{id: "<<<#{query}>>>", name: "New: \"#{query}\""}]
puts tags.inspect
if i type the word 'steelswarm' and inspect the tags that gets returned, on my console it says...
[#<Tag id: 4, name: "steelswarm", created_at: "2012-05-11 01:49:55", updated_at: "2012-05-11 01:49:55", count: 2>]
when the user starts typing the word 'steelswarm' i want the dropdown to display 'steelswarm x 2' since it has a count of two.
ive tried doing{ |tag| {:label => "#{} x #{tag.count}", :value =>} }
in my else statement but the drop down stops rendering. it cant even find the first letter anymore. what am i doing wrong?
don't the :label and :value attributes belong to jquery as a whole?
ive also been looking at the options from
but i cant seem to find something that would work or at least i could think of... sorry im not very familiar with json and jquery so help would be much appreciated = )
thank you.
i fixed it. it seems like the token only has an :id and :name attribute. so i did..{ |tag| { id: "#{}", name: "#{} # #{tag.count}" } }