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mergesorting 3 sub-arrays at once

I am making a program which implements the mergesort algorithm but instead of dividing each time in 2 parts it divides them in 3 parts each time and mergesorting them recursively. In case I confused you it is basically a mergesort but instead of mergesorting with 2 parts, you mergesort with 3 each time, sounds pretty fun huh? Well it definitely isn't.

Here is my implementation of mergesort:

public static void mergesort(int[] data) {
    int elements = data.length;
    int sizeLeft;
    int sizeCenter;
    int sizeRight;

    if (elements > 2) {

        if (elements % 3 == 0) {
            sizeLeft = elements / 3;
            sizeCenter = elements / 3;
            sizeRight = elements / 3;
        } else if (elements % 3 == 1) {
            sizeLeft = (elements / 3) + 1;
            sizeCenter = elements / 3;
            sizeRight = elements / 3;
        } else { //if (elements % 3 == 2)
            sizeLeft = (elements / 3) + 1;
            sizeCenter = elements / 3;
            sizeRight = (elements / 3) + 1;

        int[] left = makeArray(data, 0, sizeLeft);
        int[] center = makeArray(data, sizeLeft, sizeCenter);
        int[] right = makeArray(data, sizeLeft + sizeCenter, sizeRight);


        merge(data, left, center, right);

Here is the the merge method:

public static void merge(int[] data, int[] left, int[] center, int[] right) {
    int[] temp = new int[left.length + center.length + right.length];
    int copiedTotal = 0;
    int copiedLeft = 0;
    int copiedCenter = 0;
    int copiedRight = 0;

    while ((copiedLeft < left.length)
            && (copiedCenter < center.length)
            && (copiedRight < right.length)) {

        if ((left[copiedLeft] < center[copiedCenter])
                && (left[copiedLeft] < right[copiedRight])) {

            temp[copiedTotal++] = left[(copiedLeft++)];
        } else if ((center[copiedCenter] < left[copiedLeft])
                && (center[copiedCenter] < right[copiedRight])) {
            temp[copiedTotal++] = center[copiedCenter++];
        } else {
            temp[copiedTotal++] = right[copiedRight++];

    while ((copiedLeft < left.length) && (copiedCenter < center.length)) {
        if (left[copiedLeft] < center[copiedCenter]) {
            temp[copiedTotal++] = left[copiedLeft++];
        } else{
            temp[copiedTotal++] = center[copiedCenter++];

    while ((copiedLeft < left.length) && (copiedRight < right.length)) {
        if (left[copiedLeft] < right[copiedRight]) {
            temp[copiedTotal++] = left[copiedLeft++];
        } else{
            temp[copiedTotal++] = right[copiedRight++];

    while ((copiedCenter < center.length) && (copiedRight < right.length)) {
        if (center[copiedCenter] < right[copiedRight]) {
            temp[copiedTotal++] = center[copiedCenter++];
        } else{
            temp[copiedTotal++] = right[copiedRight++];

    while (copiedLeft < left.length) {
        temp[copiedTotal++] = left[copiedLeft++];

    while (copiedCenter < center.length) {
        temp[copiedTotal++] = center[copiedCenter++];

    while (copiedRight < right.length) {
        temp[copiedTotal++] = right[copiedRight++];
    System.arraycopy(temp, 0, data, 0, left.length + center.length + right.length);
//        for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
//            if ((copiedRight >= right.length) && (copiedCenter >= center.length)) {
//                data[i] = left[copiedLeft];    // take from left
//                copiedLeft++;
//            } else if ((copiedRight >= right.length) && (copiedLeft >= left.length)) {
//                data[i] = center[copiedCenter];    // take from left
//                copiedCenter++;
//            } else if ((copiedCenter >= center.length) && (copiedLeft >= left.length)) {
//                data[i] = right[copiedRight];    // take from left
//                copiedRight++;
//            } else if ((copiedLeft < left.length
//                    && left[copiedLeft] <= right[copiedRight])
//                    && left[copiedLeft] <= center[copiedCenter]) {
//                data[i] = left[copiedLeft];    // take from left
//                copiedLeft++;
//            } else if ((copiedRight >= right.length) && (copiedLeft >= left.length)
//                    || (copiedCenter < center.length
//                    && center[copiedCenter] <= right[copiedRight])
//                    && center[copiedCenter] <= left[copiedLeft]) {
//                data[i] = center[copiedCenter];    // take from center
//                copiedCenter++;
//            } else {
//                data[i] = right[copiedRight];
//                copiedRight++;// take from center
//            }
//        }

In the comments inside the merge method there is another merge method I tried to make but it didn't end well at all and things became way more complicated but I left it there for reference.

The problem is this doesn't work at all, for example if I have:

Input: 6 5 4 3 2 1

Then I'll have:

Output: [2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5]

I have honestly tried so hard for this and for 2 days straight, I found only two people even hearing about this kind of mergesort and after hours searching in Google I only found a similar question here (which was too complicated to understand) and another thread in wiki answers which was never answered.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, of course I am not asking for a direct solution because I am trying to learn but tips and hints as well as what I have done wrong would greatly help me.

Thanks in advance.


  • It seems that the problem is that when you have an 2 element array you dont do anything with it. You should sort it. If you take your example: [6,5,4,3,2,1], in the second step of recursion you have [2,1]; [4,3] and [6,5] and you merge them like that. If you would sort them first, you would obtained the right order. In order to sort them in merge function you should add:

    if ((elements==2)&&(data[1]<data[0])){
     int aux = data[1];
     data[1] = data[0];
     data[0] = aux;


    Hope it helps.


    If you want to have a pure merge sort you can try (as I explained in the comment) to add the following piece of code:

    if (elements==2){
     int[] center = [];
     int[] left = makeArray(data,0,1);
     int[] right =makeArray(data,1,1);
     mergesort(left); //you can call these methods or not, on a empty or 1 element array they dont have an effect
     merge(data, left, center, right); //it should work well when center is an empty array


    UPDATE 2 You can refactor the code I shown so it looks beautiful. The basic idea is that you can have an empty array in Java and your merge function deals with it properly. Hope I made my point a bit clearer.