Search code examples

NullPointerException from getExtras()

I'm creating an intent to transfer data from one activity to another like this :

Intent intent = new Intent(this, ActivityHighScore.class);
    intent.putExtra("USERNAME", username);
    intent.putExtra("PLAYERMOVES", playerMoves);


Then i want to check if all of this data exists as the activity starts, as it can be started from other sources without this data being set. Im using this statement:

        Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();

    if (!bundle.getString("USERNAME").equals(null) && bundle.getInt("PLAYERMOVES") != 0){
        String username = bundle.getString("USERNAME");
        int playerMoves = bundle.getInt("PLAYERMOVES");
        addHighScore(username, playerMoves);


But this causes a null pointerexception and I'm entirely sure how. I thought I was getting to grips with Strings and .equals(), but I think its that... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  • Replace

    Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
        if (!bundle.getString("USERNAME").equals(null) && bundle.getInt("PLAYERMOVES") != 0){
            String username = bundle.getString("USERNAME");
            int playerMoves = bundle.getInt("PLAYERMOVES");
            addHighScore(username, playerMoves);


     if (getIntent().getStringExtra("USERNAME") != null && (getIntent().getIntExtra("PLAYERMOVES", 0) != 0){
            String username = bundle.getString("USERNAME");
            int playerMoves = bundle.getInt("PLAYERMOVES");
            addHighScore(username, playerMoves);