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Jquery finding the prev element with same class across dom

One more question on superior jQuery

I want to find a dom element with class say,abc, when i click on an element with same class. Now the search should be exactly the previous element.

Code i have written:


This is searching back the parent's previous dom and searching abc, but if the class 'abc' doesnt exist in previous dom, i want to search until it finds abc, Also tried with prevuntil of jquery still no luck.

If anyone can help me out, many thanks.


  • You can use this to get the previous element:

    var $current = $(this); //the element you have
    var $elems = $('.abc'); //the collection of elements
    var $previous = $elems.eq($elems.index($current) - 1); //the one you needed

    I would not say this is the most efficient code possible, but without knowing the DOM tree, that's the best I can come up with. If you only rerun $('.abc') when the DOM might have changed and only use the cached version ($elems) it should be fine.