I'm programming an iPhone app that uses a little bit of javascript code for get the element for a point on UIWebView.
I have a bit of experience on iPhone, but no experience on javascript, I found that code on a tutorial (here)
// Javascript code
function MyAppGetHTMLElementsAtPoint(x,y) {
var tags = ",";
var e = document.elementFromPoint(x,y);
while (e) {
if (e.tagName) {
tags += e.tagName + ',';
e = e.parentNode;
return tags;
// iPhone code
NSString *tags = [self.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"MyAppGetHTMLElementsAtPoint(x,y);"]]
if ([tags rangeOfString:@",A,"].location != NSNotFound) {
NSLog(@"Link found");
The problem is that I have tested this code with, for example, a google search webpage, and I don't get the "Link found" log.
I think that it may be because a page is not whole HTML, but I cannot do anything more.
PD: I have the same problem, but not on all the pages, with the IMG tag (maybe it's because of CSS)
As suggested by @JuanMendes, the problem was on the coordinates that the iPhone passes to the javascript function.
// Not working code
// Searches the location on the main view, that is the full screen
CGPoint pt = [gestureRecognizer locationInView:self.view];
// Working code
// Searches the location only on the webView
CGPoint pt = [gestureRecognizer locationInView:self.webView];
Thanks for the people that have help me with this, and especially for @JuanMendes