OK, I have a page which shows the customer how many Widgets he has. Here's the view (haml):
= "Available widgets: #{@customer.widgets.unused.count()}"
("unused" is a scope in the model showing the available widgets).
When Customer redeems Widgets with a form with ":remote => true", some javascript places a nice DIV on the page with animation and the model is updated by the controller.
Here's the controller:
def redeem
@customer = Customer.find(params[:customer_id])
number = params[:amount].to_i
unless @customer.widgets.unused.empty?
number.times do
@customer = Customer.find(params[:customer_id])
widget = @customer.widgets.unused.first # Grab first unused pass
widget.status = "Redeemed"
@pay = "true"
# customer.widgets.new
# redirect_to @customer
And here's the javascript (js.erb):
var number = <%= params[:amount] %>;
<% if @pay.eql? "true" %>
<% else %>
while (number > 0) {
var item = $('<div class="widget-show">...</div>');
$('#allwidgets').isotope('insert', item);
number --;
<% end %>
My problem is I now want to update the "#available" DIV with the new Widget count. How do I do this?
At worst I could reload the page so the data is pulled from the model again, at best just update the DIV. Neither which I seem to be able to do from the javascript.
You can do something like this:
render :js => "$('#available').append(widget)"