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Maven exec:java and UncaughtExceptionHandler

The following code works fine when running from java command line. However when running using exec:java I never see that line printed...Anyway to stop this behaviour?

public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
    Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {

        public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
            System.out.println("Uncaught exception: " + e.getMessage());


    Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().execute(new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            int i = 1 / 0;



  • My assumption is that the default UncaughtExceptionHandler is overridden by Maven itself.

    From the usage guide:

    Note: The java goal doesn't spawn a new process [...] Otherwise consider using the exec goal.