Search code examples

Calling an event on radiofield check

I am creating a radiofield and I need to create an event when the radio field is checked.

The code that am using is:

items : [ {
            xtype : 'toolbar',
            docked : 'top',
            title : 'Send options',
            height : 30
        }, {
            xtype : 'radiofield',
            //  ui:'plain',
            id : 'r1',
            name : 'sendDoc',
            value : 'Default',
            label : 'Default',
            labelWidth : '50%',
            checked : true,
            //baseCls: 'x-plain',

            listeners : {
                check : function() {
                    var rad = Ext.getCmp('r1');
                    if (rad.isChecked()) {

            xtype : 'radiofield',
            name : 'sendDoc',
            id : 'r2',
            value : 'Source Workstep',
            label : 'Source Workstep',
            labelWidth : '50%',
            listeners : {
                check : function() {
                    var rad2 = Ext.getCmp('r2');
                    if (rad2.isChecked())   {
                        if (!this.workstepOverlay) {
                        this.workstepOverlay = Ext.Viewport.add({
                            xtype : 'workstepOverlay'



        } ]

But this doesn seem to be working.

I get an error that says " requested keys of a value that is not an object"

What am i doing wrong?


  • Listen for the check event.

    Fires when the checkbox is checked.

    listeners : { 
       check : function( radioFld, event, obj) {