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Is it possible to auto format PHP in Sublime Text 2?

In Sublime Text 2, I am trying to type the code and have auto format command to rearrange and auto indent source code. If it is not possible to have a automatic formatter, would be nice to have a shortcut command to do it.

I am searching for something else besides the built-in "Reindent" option and the hard-to-make-work "PHP Beautifier" plugin.

I would like to know if someone found any nice auto formatter for PHP: any formatter that won't mess our PHP code. JSFormat seems to be not useful.

Is there any easy to "install and use" plugin?


  • I've been searching this before also, but with no avail. Sublime text 2 probably doesn't support formatting PHP code natively. I have looked into ST2 packages -, but there is also nothing. Probably you'll have to do this in another editor.

    Of course it would be nice, if someone would write a package for this, 'cause packages for formatting JS, JSON, HTML.. already exist.