I know this has been visited a lot, and I have managed to get this working with other projects. I have inherited this chunk of code that does not work in IE:
function loadTemplate(template, alt_cache_name) {
if (templates[template] !== undefined) {
if (alt_cache_name !== undefined) {
templates[alt_cache_name] = templates[template];
return templates[template];
} else {
return $.get(template, function (response) {
if (alt_cache_name !== undefined) {
templates[alt_cache_name] = response;
templates[template] = response;
}, 'text');
The issue is with the $.get().
The value of template
is a url to a specific html template.
I tried the following, but I don't think the return type is the same as what was returned from $.get():
function createCORSRequest(method, url) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
if ("withCredentials" in xhr) {
xhr.open(method, url, true);
} else if (typeof XDomainRequest != "undefined") {
xhr = new XDomainRequest();
xhr.open(method, url);
} else {
xhr = null;
return xhr;
function loadTemplate(template, alt_cache_name) {
if (templates[template] !== undefined) {
if (alt_cache_name !== undefined) {
templates[alt_cache_name] = templates[template];
return templates[template];
} else {
var request = createCORSRequest("GET", template);
var content = "";
if (request) {
request.onload = function () {
//do something with request.responseText
if (alt_cache_name !== undefined) {
templates[alt_cache_name] = response.responseText;
templates[template] = response.responseText;
return request;
// return $.get(template, function (response) {
// if (alt_cache_name !== undefined) {
// templates[alt_cache_name] = response;
// }
// templates[template] = response;
// }, 'text');
I even tried the $.get
jQuery.support.cors = true;
Can someone shed some light on how to get this working?
Turns out that the jQuery plugin listed here did the trick. Upon further reading, this post also detailed the solution.
-- UPDATE --
Upon further testing there seems to be some issue with IE9 and this library. Any one else experience any issues?