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Split one list into many by month - C#, Linq

I have the following Linq query:

List<MonthlySales> monthlySales = (from sale in Sales
                     group sale by new { sale.DateSold.Month, sale.Product.Shop } into ds
                     select new MonthlyTitleSales
                         Shop = ds.Select(it => it.Product.Shop).FirstOrDefault(),
                         Month = ds.Select(it => it.DateSold.Month).FirstOrDefault(),
                         Year = ds.Select(it => it.DateSold.Year).FirstOrDefault(),
                         USDNumberItemsSold = ds.Where(it => it.USDCut.HasValue).Where(it => it.USDCut != 0).Count(),
                         GBPNumberItemsSold = ds.Where(it => it.GBPCut.HasValue).Where(it => it.GBPCut != 0).Count(),
                         EURNumberItemsSold = ds.Where(it => it.EURCut.HasValue).Where(it => it.EURCut != 0).Count(),
                         USDRevenueTotal = PerformCurrencyConversion(ds.Sum(it => it.USDCut.HasValue ? it.USDCut.Value : 0), 0M, 0M, Currency, endDate),
                         GBPRevenueTotal = PerformCurrencyConversion(0M, ds.Sum(it => it.GBPCut.HasValue ? it.GBPCut.Value : 0), 0M, Currency, endDate),
                         EURRevenueTotal = PerformCurrencyConversion(0M, 0M, ds.Sum(it => it.EURCut.HasValue ? it.EURCut.Value : 0), Currency, endDate),
                     }).OrderBy(it => it.DateSold.Month).ToList();

This query gives me a list with the following elements in each list item: Shop, Month, Year, Revenue Made

What I ultimately need to do is calculate the median of the revenue for all the shops for each month, so I need to get the data ready in such a way that will allow me to do that.

I thought one way might be to break this list into small lists by month but I have my doubts that this is the most efficient solution.

Has anyone any thoughts on this?

Monthly Sales class for anyone who needs to see:

public class MonthlySales
        public int Month { get; set; }
        public int Year { get; set; }

        public Shop Shop { get; set; }

        public int USDNumberItemsSold { get; set; }
        public int GBPNumberItemsSold { get; set; }
        public int EURNumberItemsSold { get; set; }
        public int TotalNumberItemsSold { get { return USDNumberItemsSold + GBPNumberItemsSold + EURNumberItemsSold; } }

        public decimal USDRevenueTotal { get; set; }
        public decimal GBPRevenueTotal { get; set; }
        public decimal EURRevenueTotal { get; set; }
        public decimal OverallEarnings { get { return USDRevenueTotal + GBPRevenueTotal + EURRevenueTotal; } }


  • You can use GroupBy to group the list into groups by month. For example, the following will group by Month (month+year, actually) and then write out to the console all values per month:

    var grouped = monthlySales.GroupBy(ms => string.Format("{0}-{1}", ms.Month, ms.Year));
    foreach(var group in grouped)
         Console.WriteLine("Values in month-year of {0}:", group.Key);
         foreach(var ms in group)
             Console.WriteLine("   {0}", ms.USDRevenueTotal);