I think I have got myself into a muddle with this one. My database looks like:
Locations [root]
Inspections [level1]
InspectionItems [level2]
InspectionReadings [level3]
Areas [level1]
Inspections [level2]
InspectionItems [level3]
InspectionReadings [level4]
each table is linked by Guid to the previous table and the Inspections table has nullable AreaID so that it can be a direct child of Locations.
What I need is
for each Location
{take all InspectionReadings entities
where location == location
sort date descending
return the top Entity details}
add the Location details and the InspectionReading details into a new table
return new table
the result should be a datagrid with a list of locations and their latest inspection reading date. each location should only appear once.
What I have managed is (this is in my DomainService.cs)
public IQueryable<LocationStatusList> GetLocationStatus()
var status = (from a in ObjectContext.Locations
from b in ObjectContext.InspectionReadings
orderby b.DateTaken descending, a.Name
select new LocationStatusList()
ID = b.ID,
LocationName = a.Name,
LastInspectionDate = b.DateTaken ?? DateTime.MinValue, // the data is nullable so it needs a value to return in that case
StatusNumber = b.Status ?? -1 // the data is nullable so it needs a value to return in that case
return status;
which returns the entire InspectionItems entities with their relevant location and although I've tried I can't find a way of doing what I need.
I would like to do all the code for this in the DomainService class but the only way I can think at the moment is to give the query each location name as a parameter from a viewmodel, return a single entity and create a new list and add each single entity.
Surely this can all be done in a LINQ query?
Final version, if I get it right:
var status = (from a in ObjectContext.Locations
select new {Location = a, LastReading = a.Inspections.SelectMany(i=>i.InspectionReadings).OrderBy(r=>r.PostDate).FirstOrDefault()};