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Rhinomock non-primitive object in expectations

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Lets say I call a method (e.g. SaveTicket) and have used constructor(e.g. Repository, Logging) to inject various mock interfaces. If that method calls another object and creates a non-primitive object inside that method. Is there any easy way to test the values of that non-primitive object?

I guess trying to replace that non-primitive object with property and injecting is possible, or Using LastCall.Constraints. Is there a better way?

Here is an example - in the below example - in order to verify;

is called with correct values of t I can

  1. Do lastcall.constraints

  2. lastcall.ignorearguments

Is there a better way?

CreateMyTicket(int ticketnumber, string name)
   ticketobject t = new ticketObject(ticketnumber, name);
   t.upgrade = ticketnumber+2;;


  • Let's take an example. Suppose that you have the following class and you want to unit test the CreateMyTicket method:

    public class ClassToTest
        public IRepository Repository { get; private set; }
        public ClassToTest(IRepository repository)
            Repository = repository;
        public void CreateMyTicket(int ticketnumber, string name)
            var t = new TicketObject(ticketnumber, name);
            t.Upgrade = ticketnumber + 2;

    This assumes that we have an IRepository interface:

    public interface IRepository
        void Save(TicketObject t);

    and here's how a sample unit test could look like:

    public void CreateMyTicketTest() 
        // arrange
        var repositoryStub = MockRepository.GenerateStub<IRepository>();
        var sut = new ClassToTest(repositoryStub);
        var ticketNumber = 5;
        var name = "John";
        // act
        sut.CreateMyTicket(ticketNumber, name);
        // assert
            x => x.Save(
                Arg<TicketObject>.Matches(t => 
                    t.Upgrade == 7 && 
                    t.Name == name && 
                    t.TicketNumber == ticketNumber