I have a rubygem that defines a custom SemanticFormBuilder class which adds a new Formtastic input type. The code works as expected, but I cannot figure out how to add tests for it. I was thinking I could do something like load up Formtastic, call semantic_form_for, and then ad ann input that uses my custom :as
type, but I have no idea where to begin.
Does anyone know of any gems that do something like this that I could take a look at the source for? Any suggestions on where to begin?
My gem requires Rails 2.3.x
The source for my custom input looks like this, and I'm including it in an initializer in my application:
module ClassyEnumHelper
class SemanticFormBuilder < Formtastic::SemanticFormBuilder
def enum_select_input(method, options)
enum_class = object.send(method)
unless enum_class.respond_to? :base_class
raise "#{method} does not refer to a defined ClassyEnum object"
options[:collection] = enum_class.base_class.all_with_name
options[:selected] = enum_class.to_s
select_input(method, options)
Not sure if any of my other source code would help, but it can be found here http://github.com/beerlington/classy_enum
Our team has had success with this approach, which I think we originally borrowed from Formtastic's own tests.
First, create a buffer to capture the output you want to test.
# spec/support/spec_output_buffer.rb
class SpecOutputBuffer
attr_reader :output
def initialize
@output = ''.html_safe
def concat(value)
@output << value.html_safe
Then call semantic_form_for
in your test, capturing the output to your buffer. Once you've done that, you can test that the output was what you expected.
Here's an example where I overrode StringInput to add an integer
CSS class to inputs for integer model properties.
# spec/inputs/string_input_spec.rb
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'StringInput' do
# Make view helper methods available, like `semantic_for_for`
include RSpec::Rails::HelperExampleGroup
describe "classes for JS hooks" do
before :all do
@mothra = Mothra.new
before :each do
@buffer = SpecOutputBuffer.new
@buffer.concat(helper.semantic_form_for(@mothra, :url => '', as: 'monster') do |builder|
builder.input(:legs).html_safe +
it "should put an 'integer' class on integer inputs" do
@buffer.output.should have_selector('form input#monster_legs.integer')