<display:table name="sessionScope.userInbox" pagesize="5" sort="list" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="5">
<display:column property="aid" title="" class="hidden" />
<display:column property="from" title="From" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="to" title="To" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="msg" title="Message" sortable="true" />
<display:column property="status" title="Status" sortable="true" paramId="aid" paramProperty="aid" href="/MsgSystem/adminread" />
when i click on "status" link then pass "aid" value in url but it is by get method i want to pass hidden in url.
you have added "userInbox"object list to the session scop and try to iterate it using displaytag. This object would be a java bean having getters /setters for properties - (aid,from,to,msg,status)
you need to change
<display:column property="status" title="Status" sortable="true" paramId="aid" paramName="aid" href="/MsgSystem/adminread" />
the returned url for that display column will be like this.. /MsgSystem/adminread?aid=1
more information on this.. http://displaytag.sourceforge.net/11/tut_links.html