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can not use pagination() for an array object in laravel

I am constructing an array in Laravel 5.7. I would like to paginate it, but it errors because of array feature. what shall I do?

In MyController.php:

$result = array();
foreach ($sameDateMatches as $key => $date) {
   array_push($result, [
   'date' => $key,
   'day_of_week' => getDayOfWeek($key),
   'matches' => $date,

 if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
    $result = $result->paginate(10);
    $pagination = $result;
 } else {
    $result = $result;
    $pagination = null;

return returnSuccessfulResponse(
        'Scheduled Matches' => $result,

Call to a member function paginate() on array


  • I solved my problems using make() and LengthAwarePaginator as below:

    if (!empty($_GET['page'])) {
         $per_page = !empty($_GET['per_page']) ? $_GET['per_page'] : 10;
         $page = $_GET['page'];
         $result = $result instanceof Collection ? $result : Collection::make($result);
         $result = new LengthAwarePaginator(
                        $result->forPage($page, $per_page)->values(),
                        ['path' => request()->url()]
         $pagination = $result;
    } else {
         $pagination = null;