I'm trying to extract an ISO to a folder with the same name without .iso on the end.
I'm having a problem with winrar as it will not start the extract when I start up with the seach starting in the folder with the ISO.
UPDATED with answer code
private void ExtractISO(string toExtract, string folderName)
// reads the ISO
CDReader Reader = new CDReader(File.Open(toExtract, FileMode.Open), true);
// passes the root directory the folder name and the folder to extract
ExtractDirectory(Reader.Root, folderName /*+ Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(toExtract)*/ + "\\", "");
// clears reader and frees memory
private void ExtractDirectory(DiscDirectoryInfo Dinfo, string RootPath, string PathinISO)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PathinISO))
PathinISO += "\\" + Dinfo.Name;
RootPath += "\\" + Dinfo.Name;
foreach (DiscDirectoryInfo dinfo in Dinfo.GetDirectories())
ExtractDirectory(dinfo, RootPath, PathinISO);
foreach (DiscFileInfo finfo in Dinfo.GetFiles())
using (Stream FileStr = finfo.OpenRead())
using (FileStream Fs = File.Create(RootPath + "\\" + finfo.Name)) // Here you can Set the BufferSize Also e.g. File.Create(RootPath + "\\" + finfo.Name, 4 * 1024)
FileStr.CopyTo(Fs, 4 * 1024); // Buffer Size is 4 * 1024 but you can modify it in your code as per your need
static void AppendDirectory(string path)
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException Ex)
catch (PathTooLongException Ex)
The user selects the folder to extract (.ISO) toExtract. I then use it in the Process.Start() in the background worker. That just seems to open the mounting software and doesn't extract the ISO to the desired folder name.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Or if anyone could give me a batch to extract the ISO instead and to call it from c# passing toExtract and the folder name that would be helpful too.
If external Class Libraries are OK!
Then use SevenZipSharp
or .NET DiscUtils
to extract ISO's...
These two ClassLibraries can manage ISO and Extract them!
For DiscUtils
you can find some codes for ISO Management [CDReader
Class] at the Link I provided.
But For SevenZipSharp
, Please Explore the ClassLibrary source and find the Code to Extract or Google to find it!
To get the Name of the folder just use Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension((string)ISOFileName)
which will return "ISOFile"
for an iso named "ISOFile.iso"
. And then you can use it with your desired path.
Code To Extract ISO Image with DiscUtils :
using DiscUtils;
using DiscUtils.Iso9660;
void ExtractISO(string ISOName, string ExtractionPath)
using (FileStream ISOStream = File.Open(ISOName, FileMode.Open))
CDReader Reader = new CDReader(ISOStream, true, true);
ExtractDirectory(Reader.Root, ExtractionPath + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ISOName) + "\\", "");
void ExtractDirectory(DiscDirectoryInfo Dinfo, string RootPath, string PathinISO)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PathinISO))
PathinISO += "\\" + Dinfo.Name;
RootPath += "\\" + Dinfo.Name;
foreach (DiscDirectoryInfo dinfo in Dinfo.GetDirectories())
ExtractDirectory(dinfo, RootPath, PathinISO);
foreach (DiscFileInfo finfo in Dinfo.GetFiles())
using (Stream FileStr = finfo.OpenRead())
using (FileStream Fs = File.Create(RootPath + "\\" + finfo.Name)) // Here you can Set the BufferSize Also e.g. File.Create(RootPath + "\\" + finfo.Name, 4 * 1024)
FileStr.CopyTo(Fs, 4 * 1024); // Buffer Size is 4 * 1024 but you can modify it in your code as per your need
static void AppendDirectory(string path)
if (!Directory.Exists(path))
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException Ex)
catch (PathTooLongException Exx)
Use It with Like This :
ExtractISO(ISOFileName, Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory) + "\\");
Working! Tested By Me!
And Of Course You can always add more Optimization to the code...
This Code is Just a Basic One!