I'm newish to assembly in general, and especially to usage of the FPU.
I'm writing an assignment for school that calculates the Standard Deviation of an array of random numbers.
The array is loaded and the mean calculation works fine. The entire process works for an array of 7 values or smaller, but returns -1.#IND (This means NaN?) for an array size of 8 or more elements.
Something is happening within the loop that sums the (mean - element)^2 values. I'm not sure what's happening, but I'm assuming the FPU stack is breaking in some way.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be thoroughly pleased.
fla = REAL8
call meanCalcFunc ; fmean = loaded
mov ebx, offset array1 ; Location of Element into EBX
mov ecx, [esp+4] ; ECX = num of elements in array
mov mem1, 0 ; Mem1 = 0
fld mem1 ; ST = 0
fstp fla ; fla = ST = 0
mov eax, [ebx] ; Array Element into EAX
mov mem1, eax ; Array Element into mem1
fld fmean ; ST = mean of array
fisub mem1 ; mean - element -> ST
fld ST ; Now ST and ST(1) = difference of mean - element
fmulp ST(1), ST ; Difference^2 in ST(1)
fld ST(1) ; Copy Difference^2 to ST
fadd fla ; FLA += Difference^2
fstp fla
add ebx, 4 ; Move to next element in array
loop mainFunc
fld fla ; ST = Sum of squares
mov ecx, [esp+4] ; Num of elements to ECX
mov mem1, ecx ; Num of elements to mem1
fidiv mem1 ; ST = Sum of squares / num of elements
fst fla
fsqrt ; ST = final result
fstp fla ; flb = final result
INVOKE _gcvt, fla, 8, ADDR outstring
output devlbl, outstring
Your loop contains an unbalanced number of loads and pops, so each loop iteration leaves one more item on the x87 stack. When the stack overflows, you get the result you are observing. Don't do that.
instruction elements on stack
mainFunc: k
fld fmean k + 1
fisub mem1 k + 1
fld ST k + 2
fmulp ST(1), ST k + 1
fld ST(1) k + 2
fadd fla k + 2
fstp fla k + 1
loop mainFunc k + 1