i have some code like this:
List<ClassB> back = new ArrayList<ClassB>();
for( ClassA classA : getClassAs() )
if( classA instanceof ClassB )
back.add((ClassB) classA);
ClassB extends ClassA
Is there some smart way to do this in lambdaj? I know there is the IsInstanceOf Matcher but i have to do the cast by 'hand'.
thanks in advance
This is not that efficient but may provide some direction:
Your original list was named as "back" in your post:
1.Filter "back" elements into a new list by type (List containing only objects of type B)
List bList = Lambda.filter(org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf(B.class),back);
2.Using a converter object convert filtered object list bList to List
List<B> list = Lambda.convert(bList,new Converter<Object, B>() {
public B convert(Object from) {
return (B) from;