I am looping over the JSON returned from Flickr. I am expecting the following would alert 0,1,2,3...
etc for the index, but instead it is alerting id,server,farm,etc
$.each(data.photo, function(index,item){
BTW I am using the method=flickr.photos.getInfo
var Info = "http://api.flickr.com/services/rest/?method=flickr.photos.getInfo";
Info += "&api_key=" + "myapikey";
Info+= "&photo_id="+item.id;
Info += "&format=json";
Info+= "&jsoncallback=?";
function loaded(){
$.each(data.photo, function(index,item){
//Trying to get number of JSON Object (I am getting the info for 52 photos)....
//I want to alert 0 through 52 here and do some further processing
As pointed out by Engineer I should not be looping over this and instead should just
be using data.photo.....
is hashmap, that's why you are getting (key,value)
pairs in 'each' callback
According to API 'method=flickr.photos.getInfo'
returns information of one single photo.This means, data.photo
is bunch of properties ((key,value) pairs), and there is no meaning to enumerate those.