I have a domain class for user registration. During the registration, user needs to enter email twice, and those two needs to match. I do not want to store re-entered email and just want to use that for verification. Any suggestion?
My domain class looks like:
class MyUser{
String name
String email
Integer telephone
and my view looks like:
<label for="reEmail" id="reEmail">
<g:message code="myUser.reEnter.label" default="Re-enter Email:" id="reEnter"/></label>
<g:textField name="reEmail"/>
Thanks in advance
A good way to handle this is to use a transient field in your class.
Like so....
class MyUser{
static constraints = {
email (email: true, blank: false) //<-- just a good idea ;)
String name
String email
Integer telephone
String emailAgain
static transients = ['emailAgain'] //<-- won't be stored in the database
Then, in you view you can deal with the field just like any other...
<g:textField name="email" />
<g:textField name="emailAgain" />
Then just validate it in your controller...
def save = {
def myUser = new MyUser(params);
if (myUser.email.equals(myUser.emailAgain)){ //<-- maybe make a helper method in the domain class (myUser.doesEmailMatchEmailAgain() ?)
// do stuff
//handle error, tell user their email's don't match