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Local test on java application that has no context root

Here's a sample link from my jsp:

<a href="/admin/articleEdit">New Article</a>

My application will be deployed with no context root so such links will work in production. But locally, this fails because the link does not contain the context root. I've tried to start links with "./" but that does not always solve related issues.

Is there a way to locally test java application using Eclipse and Eclipse-embedded Tomcat server with no context root? Eclipse does not let me remove context root from the project. I've tried setting context root to "/" but that does not help.


    1. Double click on your Tomcat instance in the Servers list to edit it.
    2. Select the Modules tab on the bottom.
    3. Highlight your webapp and click the Edit button.
    4. Keep document base as is, set path to blank.
    5. Confirm with OK.
    6. Make sure the webapp is published and (re)start the server.