I'd like to implement the following classes with the following hierarchy:
public class DwellingPropertySetter
extends AbstractPropertySetter<Dwelling>
public class HousePropertySetter
extends DwellingPropertySetter<House>
public class SkyscrapperPropertySetter
extends HousePropertySetter<Skyscrapper>
Unfortunately this code won't compile. A way to do it would be this:
public class DwellingPropertySetter<T extends Dwelling>
extends AbstractPropertySetter<T>
public class HousePropertySetter<T extends House>
extends DwellingPropertySetter<T>
public class SkyscrapperPropertySetter<T extends Skyscrapper>
extends HousePropertySetter<T>
But for me those extends
keywords are unnecessary.
Whenever I want to use a SkyscrapperPropertySetter
I'd have to specify a type parameter. This is useless and would then look like SkyscrapperPropertySetter<Skyscraper>
Do you know a way out for me? The only other way I know to realise my first hierarchy would be using interfaces and delegate methods.
I think you have correctly recognized it is pointless to have something like ChickenArrayList<Chicken>, so you can either create something like
class ChickenArrayList extends ArrayList<Chicken>
OR, if you want to reuse some functionality in ChickenArrayList, you may have to make it abstract (and generic) and put another concrete, non-generic class on top of it:
class AbsChickenArrayList<T extends Chicken> extends ArrayList<T>
// and
class ChickenArrayList extends AbsChickenArrayList<Chicken>
class HenArrayList extends AbsChickenArrayList<Hen>
I know this is quite verbose, but this is the best you can do with this ~18 year old language.