Recently I rebuilt some forms so they would accept International Domains like
I would then store these as punycode. Before this though we had validation code running to check whether the domain was valid using Coldfusions isValid()
if(not isValid("url", sURL)){
return false;
With punycode we have an issue of the isValid()
function failing when the domain is like:
or when it is converted to it's punycode using CreateObject( "java", "" ).toASCII(sURL);
and in certain cases comes out like:
(made up example but in certain cases there will be characters before the http:// part)
is there currently a way of using either a Java library or Coldfusion library or regex to validate IDNs and "normal" domains?
an IDN is a representation of the domain name only, you appear to including the protocol (http://) in the string you are converting.
Remove the protocol first either with a simple replace() or using, then if required recombine the protocol and idn after.
oUrl = createobject("java", "").init("httP://例子.测试");
protocol = oUrl.getProtocol();
domain = oUrl.getHost();
idn = createobject("java", "").toAscii(domain);
writeDump(protocol); // -> http
writeDump(domain); // -> 例子.测试
writeDump(idn); // -> xn--fsqu00a.xn--0zwm56d
Once you have the punycode you should then be able to use isValid() on it.