In this example code, I have a reference to ksoap2-android-assembly-2.6.3-jar-with-dependencies
its incredible when do I arrive to the line, envelope);
in debug mode; the application code ended with an error message into the Log Cat message error is :
-- 04-28 23:24:03.454: W/ActivityManager(80): Launch timeout has expired, giving up wake lock!
-- 04-28 23:23:38.667: W/ActivityManager(80): Activity idle timeout for ActivityRecord{407c0c10 yservices.screens/.MyservicesActivity}
My source code in the create event:
TextView tv = new TextView(this);
SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);
SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(SoapEnvelope.VER11);
envelope.dotNet = true;
AndroidHttpTransport hts = new AndroidHttpTransport(URL);
try {, envelope);
SoapPrimitive response = (SoapPrimitive)envelope.getResponse();
// Log.i("myApp", response.toString());
//tv.setText(weight+" "+fromUnit+" equal "+response.toString()+ " "+toUnit);
} catch(Exception e) {
I hope can you help me. My OS Version is Windows 7 64 Bit, Eclipse Indigo and JDK 1.6 if you need other information, write me.
My Error Was because the ksoap2 need has reference in a folder named libs and not into a builder path eclipse, last android version to windows 7 x64 has problem with last version ksoap2