I'm attempting to reduce the min and max of an array of values using Thrust and I seem to be stuck. Given an array of floats what I would like is to reduce their min and max values in one pass, but using thrust's reduce method I instead get the mother (or at least auntie) of all template compile errors.
My original code contains 5 lists of values spread over 2 float4 arrays that I want reduced, but I've boiled it down to this short example.
struct ReduceMinMax {
__host__ __device__
float2 operator()(float lhs, float rhs) {
return make_float2(Min(lhs, rhs), Max(lhs, rhs));
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
thrust::device_vector<float> hat(4);
hat[0] = 3;
hat[1] = 5;
hat[2] = 6;
hat[3] = 1;
ReduceMinMax binary_op_of_dooooom;
thrust::reduce(hat.begin(), hat.end(), 4.0f, binary_op_of_dooooom);
If I split it into 2 reductions instead it of course works. My question is then: Is it possible to reduce both the min and max in one pass with thrust and how? If not then what is the most efficient way of achieving said reduction? Will a transform iterator help me (and if so, will the reduction then be a one pass reduction?)
Some additional info: I'm using Thrust 1.5 (as supplied by CUDA 4.2.7) My actual code is using reduce_by_key, not just reduce. I found transform_reduce while writing this question, but that one doesn't take keys into account.
As talonmies notes, your reduction does not compile because thrust::reduce
expects the binary operator's argument types to match its result type, but ReduceMinMax
's argument type is float
, while its result type is float2
implements this operation directly, but if necessary you could instead implement your reduction with thrust::inner_product
, which generalizes thrust::reduce
#include <thrust/inner_product.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/extrema.h>
#include <cassert>
struct minmax_float
__host__ __device__
float2 operator()(float lhs, float rhs)
return make_float2(thrust::min(lhs, rhs), thrust::max(lhs, rhs));
struct minmax_float2
__host__ __device__
float2 operator()(float2 lhs, float2 rhs)
return make_float2(thrust::min(lhs.x, rhs.x), thrust::max(lhs.y, rhs.y));
float2 minmax1(const thrust::device_vector<float> &x)
return thrust::inner_product(x.begin(), x.end(), x.begin(), make_float2(4.0, 4.0f), minmax_float2(), minmax_float());
float2 minmax2(const thrust::device_vector<float> &x)
using namespace thrust;
pair<device_vector<float>::const_iterator, device_vector<float>::const_iterator> ptr_to_result;
ptr_to_result = minmax_element(x.begin(), x.end());
return make_float2(*ptr_to_result.first, *ptr_to_result.second);
int main()
thrust::device_vector<float> hat(4);
hat[0] = 3;
hat[1] = 5;
hat[2] = 6;
hat[3] = 1;
float2 result1 = minmax1(hat);
float2 result2 = minmax2(hat);
assert(result1.x == result2.x);
assert(result1.y == result2.y);