I'm making a custom control in Delphi (inherited from TCustomControl
) which consists of a number of polygon list items (irregular shapes). I need to implement mouse events per item, but first I need to be able to detect if the mouse position is within a given polygon (array of TPoint
). I am catching the Hit Test message (WM_NCHITTEST
) and this is where I will need to do this validation. I have a number of polygons, I will do a loop through each polygon item and perform this check to see if the mouse's X/Y position is within this polygon.
procedure TMyControl.WMNCHitTest(var Message: TWMNCHitTest);
P: TPoint; //X/Y of Mouse
Poly: TPoints; //array of TPoint
X: Integer; //iterator
I: TMyListItem; //my custom list item
P.X:= Message.XPos;
P.Y:= Message.YPos;
for X := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin
I:= Items[X]; //acquire my custom list item by index
Poly:= I.Points; //acquire polygon points
//Check if Point (P) is within Polygon (Poly)...?
You can use PtInRegion
function PointInPolygon(Point: TPoint; const Polygon: array of TPoint): Boolean;
rgn: HRGN;
rgn := CreatePolygonRgn(Polygon[0], Length(Polygon), WINDING);
Result := PtInRegion(rgn, Point.X, Point.Y);