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Coldfusion with Java IDN handling international domains

I'm rewriting one of our forms so that it can handle international domains, but before I start on that i thought i would test the capabilities of handling IDNs.

My thoughts were, should someone enter a domain like: http://清华大学.cn i would store it as the punycode in my database. With this in mind I then found the Java IDN handler and wrote this bit of test code:

<cfset strUrl = "http://清华大学.cn" />
<!--- Create a Java URL. --->
<cfset jUrl = CreateObject( "java", "" ).toAscii(strUrl) />


However, upon running this I get an error:

A prohibited code point was found in the inputhttp://æ ̧...å�žå¤§å¦

This occurs on the .toAscii line. What have i missed?


  • I added <cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8"> to the top of my page which now encodes and decodes the chinese correctly using the Java IDN.

    I found this solution here in the comments section: