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Manually render dynamically generated Google 'plus one' button

Here's the scene:

  • The webpage doesn't have a google+ button.
  • User clicks a button.
  • AJAX request is sent which loads some text and the google+ button (<g:plusone href=""></g:plusone>) into a div.
  • I can see when I look at the code that it is there, but it is not rendering.

I've heard that this might be useful: gapi.plusone.go();

But I'm not sure.

Any ideas?



  • You're on the right track. gapi.plusone.go() is one way to explicitly render the +1 button. Here's a code snippet from the official docs that illustrates another method using gapi.plusone.render().

        <title>+1 Demo: Explicit render</title>
        <link rel="canonical" href="" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="">
          {"parsetags": "explicit"}
        <script type="text/javascript">
          function renderPlusone() {
        <a href="#" onClick="renderPlusone();">Render the +1 button</a>
        <div id="plusone-div"></div>

    The JavaScript API is further documented elsewhere on the previously linked page.