Say i want to develop a library that will keep a very small core and may be extended through plugins.
So i basically came up with something in the scale of:
window.SomeLibrary =(function(){
var api = {
init: function(){
plugin: function(callback) {;
var privateFunction = function() {
console.log('im a private method');
return api;
console.log('im a plugin');
privateFunction(); //fails;
How can i make the plugin callback executes SomeLibrary private and public methods?
Thanks in advance.
You can collect your private functions in an object and pass this object to the extending plugin.
//I have access to privateJob via privates.privateJob();
then in lib:
var privateCollection = { //your private collecting object
privateJob : function(){...} //a private function
extend : function(pluginName,callback){ //an extend function that receives callback
callback(privateCollection); //execute callback with private collection
but access to inner functions is a bad idea. this WILL wreck the internals of your library.