I am designing a real-time system that produces outputs at a given interval, but the lengths are somewhat complicated. I am looking for a tool that can generate a graphical representation of the timeline of events for purposes of documentation or discussion.
As an example, I may specify that A takes 10ns, B takes N*A ns, C takes 40+B ns. Show me a graphic timeline of when things happen given this order of events A+A+A+3*(B+A+B+C)+C+C+A. Note that the timeline is in nanoseconds, not days.
I considered a Verilog or SystemC simulation, but that is overkill and I would still like a nicer looking output than a waveform.
Is there a toolkit (GoogleAPI?, Ruby on Rails?, Excel?, LaTex?) that can do this type of thing but I don't know of anything.
If you need high performance, you might try VTK.
If you don't need as high performance, you could do this in d3, Processing, ProcessingJS, or Protovis. They are all quite flexible and will let you do practically anything you want.