Search code examples

Caret position not keeping track?

What I'm trying to do is put key codes in an array, to do some interesting stuff with later on. So, I capture the keystrokes, get the caret position and put the key code in the array (with some help from MooTools):

var keyArray = [];
$('form').addEvent('keyup', function(event) {
    var pos = document.activeElement.getCaretPosition();

    keyArray[pos] = event.code;

Generally speaking, this works great. However, I noticed some undefined values in my array when showing the complete array in my console. Exploring this further, I found out that when typing quickly, the caret position seems to lose track, or being quick/slow to respond. I've made a jsfiddle to demonstrate this:

If you type quickly in this example, you'll see a caret position sequence like

- 1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 6 - 6.

But when typing slowly, it's

- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6. 

Of course, the trouble now when typing quickly is that I have a undefined value in my array and I overwrite one array item. So the result is different.

My question is if I can somehow let the caret position keep track. I've tried using the 'native' selectionStart instead, but results are the same. I also tried capturing the caret position in a keydown event and putting it in an array in the keyup event. No difference. I'm wondering if using little pauses (ie. forcing the user to type slower) might solve it, but this feels like a hack and I would prefer a 'proper' solution. Hopefully, there is one.


  • After some more tests, it appears to be a behavior specific to keyup. When I use keydown I do get a consistent sequence:

    One disadvantage is that keydown is a step behind keyup when you're doing the 'value collecting' I'm doing, but in my setting, this is only a minor issue.

    The difference in behavior appears odd to me: when you press four keys at a time, the keyup displays the same caret position for all of them, while keydown is showing four separate caret positions. This seems odd because you press them at once, but also depress them at once, so the caret 'readings' should be the same.