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Avoiding Returning Wildcard Types

I have a class with a collection of Wildcard Types that is a singleton, something like:

public ObliviousClass{

    private static final ObliviousClass INSTANCE = new ObliviousClass();

    private Map<Key, Type<?>> map = new HashMap<Key, Type<?>>();

    public void putType(Key key, Type<?> type){

    // returns the singleton
    public static ObliviousClass getInstance(){
        return INSTANCE;


I'd like to be able to add different Parameterized types to this collection in client code:

void clientMethod(){
    ObliviousClass oc = ObliviousClass.getInstance();

    Type<Integer> intType = ...
    Type<String> stringType = ...

    oc.putType(new Key(0), intType);
    oc.putType(new Key(1), stringType);

Up to this point, as I understand it, everything is ok. But a client also needs to be able to get a Type<?> provided the Key. So a method something like the following would be added to ObliviousClass:

public Type<?> getType(Key key){
    return map.get(key);

But in my handy copy of Effective Java, I read:

Do not use wildcard types as return types.

I understand the issue, as the client would have to cast the returned Type<?>. But I really do not want to make ObliviousClass a generic type, ObliviousClass<T>, because then my client code above would not work...

Is there a better design for what I am trying to do? -My current solution is to provide a static method for the client; something along the lines of:

public static <T> void getType(ObliviousClass instance, Key key, Type<T> dest){
    dest = (Type<T>)instance.getType(key);

I searched around, but wasn't able to find an answer that totally cleared my confusion.


  • Here's a type-safe way to store multiple instances of a given type in a map. The key is that you need to provide a Class instance when retrieving values in order to perform runtime type-checking, because static type information has been erased.

    class ObliviousClass {
      private final Map<Key, Object> map = new HashMap<Key, Object>();
      public Object put(Key key, Object value)
        return map.put(key, value);
      public <T> T get(Key key, Class<? extends T> type)
        return type.cast(map.get(key)); 

    Usage would look like this:

    oc.put(k1, 42);
    oc.put(k2, "Hello!");
    Integer i = oc.get(k1, Integer.class);
    String s = oc.get(k2, String.class);
    Integer x = oc.get(k2, Integer.class); /* Throws ClassCastException */