What is a good random number generator to use for a game in C++?
My considerations are:
in quite a lot of places, so any other generator had better be good to justify all the changes it would require.I don't know much about this subject, so the only alternative I could come up with is the Mersenne Twister; does it satisfy all these requirements? Is there anything else that's better?
Mersenne Twister seems to be the consensus choice. But what about point #4? Is it really that much better than rand()
Let me be a little clearer on point 2: There is no way for players to cheat by knowing the random numbers. Period. I want it random enough that people (at least those who understand randomness) can't complain about it, but I'm not worried about predictions.
That's why I put speed as the top consideration.
George Marsaglia has developed some of the best and fastest RNGs currently available Multiply-with-carry being a notable one for a uniform distribution.
=== Update 2018-09-12 ===
For my own work I'm now using Xoshiro256**, which is a sort of evolution/update on Marsaglia's XorShift.
=== Update 2021-02-23 ===
In .NET 6 (currently in preview) the implementation of System.Random has been changed to use xoshiro256**, but only for the parameterless constructor. The constructor that takes a seed uses the old PRNG in order to maintain backwards compatibility. For more info see Improve Random (performance, APIs, ...)