I'm moving from the Bamboo stack to the Cedar one on Heroku, but I'm running into issues trying to run the Thin gem on Heroku. Locally, I'm running Windows Vista, but I have the same error mentioned in the comments here,
When I add the Thin gem to my gemfile, it tries to install eventmachine
(1) When I add gem "thin"
to my gemfile, I receive an error because it can't install eventmachine 0.12.10. Also, when I try to commit it to Heroku I receive an error because thin isn't installed locally.
(2) When I add these gems, as indicated here:
(I've tried putting this in a group :production do
block and without, and in neither case did it work)
gem "thin", "1.3.1"
gem "eventmachine", "1.0.0.beta.4.1"
I receive an error indicating that that eventmachine version can't be found.
(3) When I add the gem manually it installs.
gem install eventmachine --pre
However, even when I add the Thin gem, it still wants to install the 0.12.10 version of eventmachine, even if I try to specify the 1.3.1 Thin version mentioned here.
I was able to get help from Heroku. It turns out I just had to do:
group :production do gem 'thin' end
and then, instead of
bundle install
you run
bundle install --without production
Of course this doesn't help if you want to run Thin locally, but for me, Web Brick is fine in development.