I have a GWT
webapp, and there are various tables showing in the pages.
I need to have a mechanism put in the webapp to convert the tables through XML/XSLT files into PDF files.
I researched for PDF file converters and I found the following libraries:
But I am getting errors in implementing them. Does GWT
support them?
[ERROR] [myGWTProject] - Line 842: No source code is available for type org.apache.fop.apps.FopFactory; did you forget to inherit a required module?
My webapp relies on GWT
concerning both parts the client side and the server side.
Any help is appreciated.
In all likelyhood, no. GWT only supports a very limited set of JRE features. Unless they specifically designed the library to integrate it with GWT, it will not work.
To use such libraries, usually, you delegate that to your server, you do the job and when ready you return it to the client.