I have a tiny (rikiki) problem in SWT ...
I am making a small class extending org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite and which is supposed to be nested in an RCP app ...
In this small class I have widgets which are supposed to react to mouse or keyboard event
I need to use modifier keys (Shift/Ctrl/Alt/...) to alter my coponents behaviours when I click them or send them keyboard event ...
The probleme is that I cannot just listen for mod-key striking because my user can strike it out from my component and then click it...
I cannot use a display filter to avoid disturbing the shell that nests my component.(but may be it will be my last solution in case there is no other solution)
I cannot make a transparent component that reads and dispatch events to all of my components because it would, at the most, be as large as my component and wont get mod-key strikes from the shell out my component (or even out from the shell) ...
Do anyone have any idea?
More or less it is like
myComponent.add<Any>Listener(new <Appropriate>Listener(){
public void <AppropriateMethod>(like KeyPress)>(<Appropriate>Event e) {
int stateMask=e.stateMask;
if((stateMask & SWT.ALT)==SWT.ALT){
if((stateMask & SWT.CTRL)==SWT.CTRL){
if((stateMask & SWT.SHIFT)==SWT.SHIFT){
Hope it helps ...