i have mapping like this:
@URLMapping(id = "edituser", pattern = "/edituser/#{ id: userBean.userId}", viewId = "/faces/pages/users/editUser.xhtml")
and i want to redirect to it from an action method, so i tried the following:
return "pretty:edituser/" + userObj.getId();
but it didn't work, it reloads current page, please advise, thanks.
In your case something like this should work:
return "/faces/pages/users/editUser.xhtml?faces-redirect=true&id=" + userObj.getId();
Another option would be to obtain the UserBean
, set the id property and then return pretty:editust
. Something like this:
public class Whatever {
private UserBean userBean;
public String action() {
// do something
userBean.setUserUd( someId );
return "pretty:edituser";