I'm a whited00r developer and i'm creating an tweak for iPhone 2g/3g WHITED00r users a notification system (NS) ive already made one (NSCENTER) but it isnt really an tweak...
I want to make a mobile substrate tweak that if you slide from top it would show the tweak (activator) but I dont know how to do this. Could somebody help? or sample? or text help?
Assuming I understand you correctly, you're basically looking to replace the Notification Center swipe gesture action to present your tweak, correct? If that's the case, SBBulletinListController
has the methods you're looking for:
-(void)handleShowNotificationsGestureChangedWithTouchLocation:(CGPoint)touchLocation velocity:(CGPoint)velocity;
-(void)handleShowNotificationsGestureEndedWithVelocity:(CGPoint)velocity completion:(id)completion;
There are also corresponding methods in Springboard
that you could try:
-(void)_showNotificationsGestureChangedWithLocation:(CGPoint)location velocity:(CGPoint)velocity;
-(void)_showNotificationsGestureEndedWithLocation:(CGPoint)location velocity:(CGPoint)velocity;
-(void)_hideNotificationsGestureEndedWithCompletionType:(int)completionType velocity:(CGPoint)velocity;
Try hooking those using MobileSubstrate. I haven't tried this myself, but it should point you in the right direction.