As the title says here's whats basically going on:
<div id='container' style='display:block; position:absolute; width:auto; height:533px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;'>
Upon user interaction - I do some work: request some JSON, build elements, then append said elements to the "container" div. The result is something like:
<div id='container' style='display:block; position:absolute; width:auto; height:533px;overflow:hidden;'>
<img src="A REAL, VALID URL" border='0'/>
<img src="A REAL, VALID URL" border='0'/>
<img src="A REAL, VALID URL" border='0'/>
<img src="A REAL, VALID URL" border='0'/>
<img src="A REAL, VALID URL" border='0'/>
Now here's whats happens. If children are appended to this and they exceed the height of the parent. The parent disappears.
I've pursued "hasLayout" and all that jazz - nothing works.
What does work is if the children are of the same size or smaller - but due to the nature of what I am trying to accomplish, this is not desired - nor can it be guaranteed they will be smaller.
doesn't work but setting a value larger than the largest child fixes this - but skews my layout
Thanks in advance.
edit: The images are loaded via a combo of JSON and a deferred queue. They are guaranteed to be loaded prior to appending them to container element.
basically :
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function () { theContainer.appendChild(this);};
img.src = someURL;
works fine in all chrome and FF
edit2: I have tried to append the images both to the "container" object before and after it itself is appended to the body. Neither produces the expected result.
edit 3: *IE7 and IE9 are not behaving as described above. This is exclusive to IE 8 *
So the issue was the "hasLayout" IE 8 bug. By setting the width of the container div to "something other than auto" - it is now visible and and working / displaying as intended.
Fun times, thanks all for the assistance.